Happy August!

Jul 30, 2023

We hope you all are having another wonderful week. It's hard to believe we've wrapped up July, and August is here. We hope this week's EC blog will educate and spark you to make positive change in your life and health. Remember, our office hours are M & Th: 7:30-Noon;1:30-5pm, Tu & Fr: 7:30-Noon and W: 8:30-Noon; 2-6pm.  Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877. Enjoy...

The Gonstead Method @ Elizabethton Chiropractic:

Keep your eyes at the horizon: Our spinal biomechanics are everything, and even though this is a Foot Levelers chart above, It's important to keep your head over your body properly. I recently spoke with a patient about this. Another way to think about this is to keep your eyes at the horizon. When you're standing or sitting at your computer, walking or doing anything else, make sure your eyes stay at the horizon. When the eyes are looking down, soft nerve pathways are cut off causing increased cortisol (a stress hormone that affects insulin, sugar & our immune system function), "Text Neck", dementia (memory loss), Parkinson's disease, and even Alzheimer's symptoms. So get the center of your electronic devices at your horizon. Remember, we go where our eyes go.

 Foot Levelers @ EC:

Did you know custom orthotics are a covered expense under most FSA plans?

Custom orthotics are a great way to invest in your health, and help reduce pain. Plus, Foot Levelers custom orthotics are very comfortable!

And don’t forget to ask about our Take2 Summer special, and in many cases, FSA funds don’t carry over to the next year.

Give us a call today @ 423.543.3337, and we can make an appointment to get your feet scanned. If you have not seen our new colors to our waterproof 3 arch support flip-flop* line, the new shades are ready for a close-up look here.

We are Pulse PEMF Certified:

 We wanted to go over a couple of frequently asked questions about PEMF in the office. Please if you have any questions, let us know so we can share them. So, here they are:


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field technology is a soothing and restorative modality[4,5] that stimulates and exercises the cells to support overall wellness.[1]Put simply, PEMF provides your cells with the energy they need to perform at their highest capacity. 

Studies show PEMF may

● Increase range of motion,[7,8] 

● Generate natural cellular energy[6,7]

● Provide natural support for healthy joint and cartilage function,[9,10]

● Assist with muscle fatigue and discomfort after exercise,[3]

● and Support general relaxation![4,5]


PEMF is an energy supplement that optimizes the self-healing and self-regulating func-
tion of every cell it interacts with. In its holistic nature, the body uses PEMF as a catalyst

for full-body energy and optimized wellness throughout our many systems. The body,
in its intelligence, may call attention to “hotspots,” areas of low voltage where the body
needs the energy most. Studies show that this process supports relaxation, increases
energy, and enhances the natural recovery process.

To learn more about the studies supporting the claims above,
visit info.pulsepemf.com/research.

DRX9000 True Spinal Decompression @ EC:


Click here for a great informative video on the DRX9000 @ EC. 

Hope this week's EC blog has served you well. Enjoy your week and the rest of your summer!

Yours In Health & Success

Dr Dennis & Your EC Team

Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877