Elevating Your Wellness Journey: High Performance Coaching, Pulse PEMF, DRX 9000, and Foot Levelers

Nov 14, 2023

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just next week! Our office hours next week will be M: 7:30-Noon;1:30-5pm

 Tu: 7:30-Noon.

 W: 8:30-Noon; 2-6pm.

 We will be closed Thanksgiving the 23rd and Black Friday the 24th.

Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877

 In the pursuit of overall well-being and peak performance, it's essential to explore a wide range of wellness solutions.



1. High Performance Coaching:

High Performance Coaching is a dynamic process that aims to help individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals, whether they are personal, professional, or both. Coaches in this field work closely with clients to assess their strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations, and then provide guidance and strategies to optimize performance and well-being. High Performance Coaching empowers individuals to enhance productivity, clarity, and overall fulfillment in their lives.

2. Pulse PEMF Therapy:

Pulse PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy has garnered attention for its potential to promote healing and enhance vitality. This innovative technology uses electromagnetic pulses to stimulate cellular repair and regeneration. Pulse PEMF therapy may support circulation, alleviate pain, and contribute to overall wellness. Whether you're an athlete seeking faster recovery or dealing with chronic discomfort, this therapy can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine.

3. DRX 9000 Spinal Decompression:

Back pain and spinal issues can significantly impact one's quality of life. The DRX 9000 Spinal Decompression system offers a non-invasive solution. By gently stretching the spine and relieving pressure on discs, it can help reduce pain associated with conditions like herniated discs and sciatica. This therapy promotes healing and recovery, potentially avoiding the need for surgery and providing long-term relief.

4. Foot Levelers:

Foot Levelers is a leader in custom orthotics and chiropractic care. Their products, including custom orthotic insoles, are designed to improve posture, balance, and overall well-being by addressing foot-related issues. Proper foot alignment can have a significant impact on the entire musculoskeletal system, potentially reducing pain and discomfort.

In summary, these four wellness approaches – High Performance Coaching, Pulse PEMF therapy, DRX 9000 Spinal Decompression, and Foot Levelers – exemplify the diverse range of solutions available to enhance your wellness journey. They provide tools and techniques to optimize your physical health, mental clarity, and overall vitality.


Yours In Health,

DrDennis & Your EC Team (Bev, Ginny, Larry & Zak)!