Ending Our Year Strong!
Aug 15, 2023
It’s hard to believe we’re in the middle of August. I’ve always heard that the quality of our lives is based on the quality of our questions. One really good question that could help us right now is to ask ourselves, “How can I go through the end of this year, finish stronger and finish it healthier as to start the new year with momentum?” Can we start walking daily or add 15 minutes to our walks? Commit to walking daily or even riding an exercise bike daily that has low impact on your joints. Commit to no sides, 1 plate full with less portion sizes, and wait at least 2-3 hours to eat again. When eating a carb with each meal, make it no larger than a fist size portion. Drink water no sodas. Take whole food supplements. Sleep 7-8 hrs/night. Stay off electronic devices 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, and keep your evening lights on the floor or lamps on with ceiling lights off. Get fragrances out of the house including fragrance trash bags, soaps, cleaning supplies, colognes, and laundry soaps. These all are hormonal disrupters. This can be overwhelming, but start with 1-2 action steps and end your year strong.
EC office hours:
M & Th: 7:30-Noon;1:30-5pm.
Tu & Fr: 7:30-Noon.
W: 8:30-Noon; 2-6pm.
Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877
Email: [email protected]
Foot Levelers @ EC (scroll to the bottom of our EC website for more info)
Rock the look with the most comfortable slip-on yet.
Enhanced cushioning combines with custom orthotic support to make your every step more comfortable. Perfect for daily wear, Parkway supports full-body alignment, helping your adjustments hold better. Only from EC & Foot Levelers.
- Custom 3-arch orthotic helps reduce pain and fatigue
- Added cushioning keeps feet comfortable
- Includes Zorbacel® for shock absorption, Dynamic Response System™ for suspension-like support, and Propacel® to help boost propulsion at toe-off
- Designed with a roomy toe area for increased comfort
- Shoe is machine washable in cold water (remove orthotics/insoles first)
- Casual unisex styling, wear with or without socks
Check out the Parkway Light Gray, the Parkway Graphite & the Parkway Black Mono.
Ask about our Take2 special this summer.
Click here for a great informative video on the DRX9000 @ EC.
Hope this week's EC blog has served you well. Enjoy your week and the rest of your August!
Yours In Health & Success
Dr Dennis & Your EC Team
Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877