How Our Spine Works Another PEMF Study and Gota Kola Complex

Jan 24, 2023

We hope you all are having a wonderful week. I have shamelessly posted a pic of my boy's new puppy which was his Christmas present that he just got last week.  He's a mini poodle, 8 wks old, and 3 lbs. today. His name is Ozzy Bear. Needless to say, It is like we have a new born baby in the house. My wife is mainly taking the grunt of the sleepless nights, but we know it'll all be worth it in time.  

We hope this week's blog will give you some insightful health building information this week. We would love for you to subscribe to our YouTube channel and Like us on our Facebook & Instagram channels, too. We are open to suggestions for future health content. Let us know your ideas. Have a Wonderful week! Yours In Health, Your EC Team! 423.542.3337

Chiropractic Corner

When your back goes out, what does it look like? Here I attempt :) to show what your spine looks like functioning properly and subluxated (aka a spinal bone 'out of place'). I give you a brief tutorial regarding being fully functional in our spine. When we laterally bend, rotate, flex, and/or extend, our spinal cord and spinal nerves slide through holes in our spine (via the IVF and central canal). When we get a vertebrae or spinal bone stuck out of place causing nerve pressure (aka vertebral subluxation), the messages that go to and from the Brain/Body connection are choked and disrupted. This can even cause pain, tingling, numbness, radiation, and many other symptoms that can relate to the level of your subluxation. I examine your spine for subluxation with objective findings from the Nervoscope (shows the heat differential from the subluxation) that I glide on your back, static palpation, motion palpation, visualization, and radiographic findings as to be specific on how I move or adjust your subluxated vertebrae off the nerve. Next week I will go into how the Nervoscope or Temposcope works when I examine your spine.  Yours In Health, -Dr Dennis

 Whole Food Supplement & Herbal Remedies

Gota Kola Complex is for collagen healing, anti-aging, and spinal cord injuries which include back injuries & musculoskeletal repair. The recommended dose is 2 bid. If you'd like more information on this adaptogenic, antifibrotic, and healing promoter which cuts down healing time by 30-50%! Simply click HERE.

PEMF: The Foundational Biohack Technology

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Every Living Thing is Dependent on Earth’s Electromagnetic Energy Field

Earth’s energy is measured at 25 to 65 microtesla’s and pulses approximately 7.83 times per second.

Our bodies are electrical; each cell is in essence a battery that can accumulate and store energy vital for cellular metabolism.

“...bioelectric phenomena of the cell membrane are vital functions of the living organism.”  - Bioelectromagnetism by Jaako Malmivuo & Robert Plonsey

Cells need to be charged to perform vital metabolic function, and PEMF is an outside energy source proven to restore a more optimal charge. For a short video explaining more regarding PEMF click HERE.  I'll post more PEMF info in next week's blog.  Stay tuned.

Yours In Health,

Dr Dennis & Your EC Team!