We're excited for Zak this weekend as he makes his way to Nashville to finish off 3 more weekends of X-ray tech study. He'll take the final later this October, and it'll be official. He'll be a Certified X-ray Tech @ Elizabethton Chiropractic! Don't forget to wish him your best! Enjoy your weekend and week.
Yours In Health
EC office hours:
M & Th: 7:30-Noon;1:30-5pm.
Tu & Fr: 7:30-Noon.
W: 8:30-Noon; 2-6pm.
Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877
Pulse PEMF @ EC:

PEMF, is a revolutionary wellness modality that utilizes soothing Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to stimulate and exercise the body’s cells.PEMF, also known as High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT), is trusted worldwide to support the body’s natural healing and regulating abilities.
The earth emits a pulsing electromagnetic field at 7.8 hertz. This natural energy field, combined with around 8 million global lightning strikes per day, allows our planet to sustain life. Much like the earth, our bodies are electromagnetic; our brains use electromagnetic signals to communicate with every bodily system. Science has proven that if our cells have enough electrical charge, the body will heal itself!
PEMF is a holistic supplement that infuses the body with natural energy at the cellular level.
Call us for more details or click here
DRX9000 @ EC

The DRX9000, is a non-surgical spinal decompression machine that has helped a vast number of patients suffering from herniated discs, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease and more, avoid spine surgery.
Call us for more details or click here
Foot Levelers @ EC:

Engineered for peak performance and comfort, XP3 Court helps to reduce the risk of injury in sports like pickleball, tennis, racquetball, basketball, and volleyball.
As we jump into the fall season and the final quarter of 2023, We are excited to offer you a special promotion for October only!! This promotion is exclusive to Elizabethton Chiropractic and is simple to take advantage of when placing your orders.
Here’s the offer: All Custom Orthotic Insoles are $199! Valid October 1st-31st, 2023 only
Get any Core, Specialty, or Elite orthotic for this one low price. I suggest our top selling Inmotion+, which is the prefect blend of comfort and performance, but choose any custom orthotic you like.
All you need to do to take advantage of the discount is get your feet scanned at no charge if you haven't already, and place the order.
**Important** This offer is not applicable to any custom footwear items. Orthotic insoles only!
With this great offer, This special discount is extended to our whole community as well. We're just excited to provide this promotion to you and hope that you’ll take advantage of it often. It will expire 10/31/23, so please start using it now!!
Hope you've got a lot out of this week's blog and start being healthier today!
Yours In Health & Success
Dr Dennis & Your EC Team!